Actes de Conférences/Conference Papers

2021 [14]

James, D., Collin, A., Letard, M. Étude spatio-temporelle d’un écosystème littoral : le pré-salé de Sainte-Anne en baie du Mont-Saint-Michel. 16th Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics (SAGEO) Conference, May 2021, La Rochelle, France.

Collin, A., Durozier, T., Hervouet, G., Costa, S. Détecter le processus de dépoldérisation par l’observation satellite à très haute résolution temporelle. 16th Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics (SAGEO) Conference, May 2021, La Rochelle, France.

Letard, M., Collin, A., James, D., Mury, M. Trajectoire socio-écologique d’une commune de la Baie du Mont-Saint-Michel entre 1947 et 2014. 16th Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics (SAGEO) Conference, May 2021, La Rochelle, France.

Mury, A., Collin, A., James, D. Prospective 2050 : étude de cas sur l’évolution du service écosystémique de protection côtière. 16th Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics (SAGEO) Conference, May 2021, La Rochelle, France.

Collin, A., Letard, M., Andel, M., Sharma, S. Object-based mangrove mapping using submeter superspectral WorldView-3 imagery and deep convolutional neural network. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Belgium, Jul. 2021.

James, D., Collin, A., Mury, A., Letard, M., Guillot, B. UAV multispectral optical contribution to coastal 3D modelling. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Belgium, Jul. 2021.

Letard, M., Collin, A., Lague, D., Corpetti, T., Pastol, Y., Ekelund, A., Pergent, G., Costa, S. Towards 3D mapping of seagrass meadows with topo-bathymetric LiDAR full-waveform processing, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Belgium, Jul. 2021.

Iovan C., Kulbiki M., Mermet E.  Deep convolutional neural network for mangrove mapping. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Virtual symposium, Oct. 2020.

Selmaoui-Folcher Nazha, Tokotoko Jannaï, Gorohouna Samuel and Roi Laisa, Concept de prétopologie temporelle pour l'analyse des évolutions structurelles. Conférence Francophone sur l'extraction et la gestion des connaissances, online 25-29 Jan. Revue des Nouvelles Technologies et de l'Information, vol. 37, pp.119-131.

Scherrer Romane, Aulnette Erwan, Quiniou Thomas, Kasarhérou Joël, Kolb Pierre and Selmaoui-Folcher Nazha. Détection de Bateaux de Plaisance dans une Marina par Deep Learning. 2021. Conférence Francophone sur l'extraction et la gestion des connaissances, online 25-29 Jan. Revue des Nouvelles Technologies et de l'Information, vol. 37, pp.47-58.

Scherrer Romane, Govan Rodrigue, Quiniou Thomas, Jauffrais Thierry, Hugues Lemonnier, Bonnet Sophie and Selmaoui Nazha. Automatic Plankton Detection and Classification on Raw Hologram with a Single Deep Learning Architecture, 17th International Conference on Computational Intelligence Methods for Bioinformatics and biostatistics, 15-17 nov. online.

Hoarau L., Penin L., Boissin E., Rouzé H., Plantard P., Loisil C., Labarrère P., Mulochau T., Trentin F., Gravier-Bonnet N., Bigot L., Chabanet P., Adjeroud M. Benthic communities in the mesophotic zone off Reunion Island (South-West Indian Ocean) reveal unique habitats with an unexplored biodiversity. 14th International Coral Reef Symposium, online, Jul. 2021.

Dedeken M. Pinault M., Rungassamy T., Chabanat P., Pothin K. Long-term monitoring of Epinephelus merra population on the reef flats of Reunion Island, 14th International Coral Reef Symposium, online, Jul. 2021.

Samoilys M., Roche R., Osuka K., Halford A., Gudka M., Alvarez-Filip L., Claverie T., Guilhaumon F., Chabanet P. Predicting responses of fish assemblages to coral reef condition in the Indian Ocean, 14th International Coral Reef Symposium, online, Jul. 2021.

2020 [7]

M. Allenbach (2020) L’espace littoral des territoires ultra-marins français de l’Océanie face aux défis des changements globaux. Journées Nationales Génie Côtier -Génie Civil, Le Havre, pp 807-834 Editions Paralia-Comité Français du Littoral, DOI:10.5150/jngcgc.2020.090

Collin, A., Letard, M., James, D., Mury, A., Pastol, Y. (2020) Télédétection des herbiers marins océaniques, méditerranéens et tropicaux par LiDAR topobathymétrique. Acte de colloque, 3rd merIGéo

Galzin, R. (2020) Herbivore et résilience des récifs de Moorea. Conférences de la Recherche en Polynésie française (2ième édition)

C. Iovan, M. Kulbicki, E. Mermet (2020) Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Mangrove Mapping. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), pages 1969-1972

James, D., Collin, A., Mury, A., Gloria, H., Le Poulain, N. (2020) Etude spatio-temporelle de la géomorphologie et de l’écologie d’un système dunaire par drone aérien. Acte de colloque, 3rd merIGéo

Mury, A., Houet, T., James, D., Collin, A. (2020) Utilisation de l’imagerie drone multispectrale pour la modélisation spatiale de l’atténuation hydrodynamique par les prés-salés en milieu mégatidal. Acte de colloque, 3rd merIGéo

Ternon, Q., Thiriet, P., Ysnel, F., Collin, A., Danet, V., Bianchimani, O., Feunteun, E. (2020) La photogrammétrie comme outil descriptif des écosystèmes rocheux subtidaux tempérés. Mieux décrire pour mieux comprendre : le cas de la Côte d’Émeraude. Acte de colloque, 3rd merIGéo

2019 [16]

Bertucci, F., Parmentier E., Lecchini, D., René-Trouillefou, M. (2019) Eco-acoustics surveys of fish biodiversity and impact of anhtropogenic noise in Guadeloupe. Caribbean Science and Innovation Meeting.

Borsa, P., Arlyza, IS., Barber, PH. (2019) The phylogeography and taxonomy of a model-species complex, the blue-spotted maskray (formerly Neotrygon kuhlii): a short review. IOP Conf Ser: Earth Env Sci.

Bouvy, M., Dupuy, C., Leboulanger, C., Domaizon, I., Pagano, M., Perronno, T., Bélières, A., Got, P.,  Bec, B., Carré, C.,  Bigot, L., Chabanet, P. (2019) Assessment of the environmental status using planktonic components in tropical marine systems: case of Mayotte and Glorieuses islands. 11th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Mauritius.

Chabanet, P., Andrefouet, S., Bigot, L., Boissin, E., Bourmaud, A-F., Bouvy, M., Crochelet, E., Durville, P., Gelin, P., Guilhaumon, F., Magalon, H., Nicet, J-B., Nikolic, N., Obura, D., Pennober, G., Samoilys, M., Schleyer, M., Seré, M. (2019) Long-term monitoring of coral reefs in the Mozambique Channel, Indian Ocean: paving the way towards integrative regional management. 2nd Island Biology Conference, La Réunion.

Chabanet, P., Andrefouet, S., Bigot, L., Bourmaud, A-F., Bouvy, M., Crochelet, E., Durville, P., Gelin, P., Guilhaumon, F., Magalon, H., Nicet, J-B., Nikolic, N., Obura, D., Pennober, G., Samoilys, M., Schleyer, M., Seré, M. (2019) Monitoring of coral reefs on contrasting sites (Mayotte and Iles Eparses) in the Mozambique Channel, Indian Ocean: Application to management. 11th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Mauritius.

Crochelet, E., Martinez, C., Chabanet, P. (2019) A model-based evaluation of reefs connectivity and habitat degradation scenarios. Implications for future marine spatial planning and marine conservation policies in the Western Indian Ocean. 2nd Island Biology Conference, La Réunion.

Ferraris, J., Stoica, G., Chabanet, P. (2019) Le jeu est le premier métier de l’enfant : Comment apprendre en milieu scolaire tout en jouant ? Retour d’expériences de l’utilisation de la mallette MARECO sur les récifs coralliens dans différents contextes pédagogiques. Colloque Jeux et Enjeux, Marseille.

Guilhaumon, F., Savelli, M-P., Bigot, L., Durville, P., Matthews, T., Chabanet, P. (2019) Functional vulnerability in Western Indian coral reef fishes: Indicator species and conservation priorities. 2nd Island Biology Conference, La Réunion.

Join, J-L., Ah-Peng, C., Chabanet, P., Pennober, G., Cammas, J-P. (2019) The critical zone observatory OZCAR in La Réunion, targets and future challenges to manage our changing island environments. 2nd Island Biology Conference, La Réunion.

Massé, L., Young, K., Rogers, F., Kauder, S., Chabanet, P. (2019) From scientific knowledge to conservation action: testing new inputs in children outreach. 11th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Mauritius.

McClanahan T., Graham N.A., Friedlander A., Chabanet P., Oddenyo R. (2019) Coral Reef Fish Biomass in the Western Indian Ocean : modelling of baselines to establish status. 11th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Mauritius.

Mury, A., Collin, A., James, D., Pastol, Y., Etienne, S. (2019) Spatially-explicit modelling of the salt-marsh wave attenuation using pressure measurements, UAV imagery and LiDAR data. European Geophysical Union General Assembly.

Stoica, G., Ferraris, J., Chabanet, P., Bedrossian, C., Charpentier, P. (2019) Représentations sociales de l’écosystème corallien en milieu insulaire tropical, le cas de Mayotte (océan Indien). Colloque îles : regards croisés des sciences, des cultures et de la société, Brest.

Stoica G., Ferraris, J., Chabanet, P., Massé L. (2019) Environnement insulaire : éducation et représentations sociales de l’écosystème corallien dans des écoles primaires de Mayotte et La Réunion. Congrès international de Recherche en Éducation et en Formation (AREF), Bordeaux.

Viviani, J., Leblanc, A., Maury, O., Riobe, F., Caldwell, M., Lecchini, L., Galzin, R., Viriot, L. (2019) The same feeding behavior evolved three times independently in parrotfish from different dental arrangements. Tooth morphogenesis and Differentiation, Colloque Oxford.

Viviani, J., Lecchini, L., Galzin, R., Viriot, L. (2019) Specialization of jaws and teeth in relation to trophic functions in coral reef fish. Tooth morphogenesis and Differentiation, Colloque Oxford.


2018 [8]

ALLENBACH M., TRANQUART S., TESSIER B., I. T Impacts des exploitations de nickel sur les taux d'apports sédimentaires au littoral de Thio en Nouvelle-Calédonie. p. 587-596. Proc XVèmes Journées Nationales Génie Côtier – Génie Civil

Chinain M, Darius HT, Gatti C, M. R (2018) Biotoxines marines et sécurité sanitaire des ressources lagonaires en Polynésie française.  Actes du Colloque International sur les problématiques juridiques, politiques et scientifiques de la sécurité alimentaire en Asie-Pacifique, 21-23 novembre 2017, Université de la Polynésie française

DUMAS P., LENDRE S., LE DUFF M., M. A (2018) Cartographie du risque de submersion lié à l'élévation du niveau de la mer sur l'atoll d'Ouvéa (Nouvelle-Calédonie) : vers un outil de gestion de la zone côtière. p. 793-804 XVèmes Journées Nationales Génie Côtier – Génie Civil. Editions Paralia-Comité Français du Littoral, La Rochelle, 29 au 31 mai 2018

Etienne S, Collin A, James D (2018) 3D reconstruction of coral reef morphology using UAV, acoustic sonar and VHR satellite images: interests and limits of an integrated approach for natural hazards studies (Takapoto Atoll, French Polynesia).  European Geophysical Union General Assembly

Feiss-Jéhel C, Jéhel PJ, Lamontagne N, Collin A (2018) Lecture et décadrage du paysage littoral: approches sensibles par deux pratiques artistiques.  International Conference of Collège International des Sciences du Territoire

Saulnier Denis, Pauline Auffret, Caline Basset, Benoît Beliaeff, Corinne Belliard, Guillaume Boissier, Tuheariki Cabral, Denis Covès, Margaux Crusot, Rarahu David, Mahanatea Garbutt, Mahinatea Gatien, Nirmala Grand Pittmann, Stanley Flohr, Angélique Fougerouse, Eric Gasset, Imivai Krukly, Marc André Lafille, Moana Maamaatuaiahutapu, Christophe Lau, Jérémy Le Luyer, Mickaël Mège, Céline Reisser, Georges Remoissenet, Camille Roux, Ohu Rua, Claude Soyez, Thierry Tamata, Alexandre Teissier, Mike Teissier, Matoarii Teore, Vincent Vanaa, Dupiol JV (2018) Rapport final de la convention Ifremer-DRMM AQUA-SANA « AQUACULTURE et SANTE ANIMALE 2016-2018 » n° 9534/MEI/DRMM du  06 / 12 / 16 entre la Direction des Ressources Marines et Minières et le Centre Ifremer du Pacifique (CIP) de 2016 à 2018.

Tokotoko J, Flouvat F, Goiran C, Hedouin L, Collin A, Selmaoui-Folcher N (2018) Supervised classification of satellite images with spatially inaccurate training field data.  International Workshop on Spatial and Spatiotemporal Data Mining

Tokotoko J, Flouvat F, Hedouin L, Goiran C, Collin A, Selmaoui-Folcher N (2018) Prétraitement de données spatialement imprécises pour une classification supervisée basée sur les images satellitaires.  International Conference of Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances


2017 [7]

Bertucci, F., Maratrat, K., Parmentier, E., Lecchini, D., 2017a. Acoustic space sharing in the hullabaloo of a coral reef in Morrea Island, French Polynesia. The 10th Indo-Pacific Fish Conference, Tahiti, abst.

Chabanet, P., Stoica, G, Carrière, S., Sabinot, C., Massé, L., Tsipy Tantely, Z., Madi Moussa, R., Riou, A., Ferraris, J., 2017. Are coral reefs full of multi-coloured fish? Impact of an awareness campaign on the representations of coral reefs by children. 10th Indopacific Fish Conference, Tahiti, Acte de Conférence.

Dolique, F., Jeanson, M.  (2017) Dynamique des mangroves de l’île de Mayotte depuis 1950 : role de l’architecture récifale ? Colloque international MOIO Mangroves de l’Océan Indien, Majunga – Madagascar, 18 au 22 septembre 2017.

Loesdau, M., Chabier, S., Gabillon, A., 2017. Computer vision based nacre thickness measurement of Tahitian pearls. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision (IQCAV 2017). Acte de conference.

Loesdau, M., Chabier, S., Gabillon, A., 2017. Chromatic Indices in the Normalized rgb Color Space. International Conference on Digital Image Computing: Techniques and Applications (DICTA), Sydney, NSW, 2017, pp. 1-8. doi: 10.1109/DICTA.2017.8227415. Acte de conference.

Mondonneix, G., Chabrier, S., Mari, J.-M., Gabillon, A., 2017. Tahitian Pearls Lustre Assessment Automation. Proceedings of the 46th Annual IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop. Washington DC, October 10-12, 2017. To appear. Acte de conférence.

Mondonneix, G., Chabrier, S., Mari, J.-M., Gabillon, A., Barriot, J.-P., 2017. Tahitian Pearls Lustre Assessment. Proceedings of the 19th Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing conference, pp. 186-193, 2017. ISBN 978-0-9934207-2-6. Acte de conférence.


2016 [36]

Almany, G.R., Planes, S., Thorrold, S.R., Berumen, M.L., Bode, M., Saenz-Agudelo, P., Messmer, V., Srinivasan, M., Harrison, H.B., Williamson, D.H., Bonin, M.C., Frish, A.J., Jones, G.P., 2016. Larval fish dispersal in a coral reef seascape. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract 28238.

Bakker, D.M. de, Van Duyl, F.C., Nugues, M.M., Bak, R.P., Nieuwland, G., Meesters, E.H., 2016. 40 years of benthic community change at the fore-reef slope (10-40 M) of the Caribbean reefs in Curaçao and Bonaire: the rise of cyanobacterial mats. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract 28326.

Beldade, R., Holbrook, S.J., Schmitt, R.J., Planes, S., Bernardi, G., 2016. Retention mechanisms and self-recruitment in a coral reef fish. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract 28423.

Bigot, L., Obura, D., Nicet, J-B., Benzoni, F., Chabanet, P., 2016. Are we approaching a limit of resilience to repeat bleaching of coral communities in Mayotte, SW Indian Ocean? 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, Hawaii.

Boissin, E., Hoareau, T.B., Bruggemann, H.J., Paulay, G., Planes, S., 2016. Understanding the Indo-Pacific biodiversity gradient through comparative phylogeography of brittlestars. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract 28314.

Bornancin, L., Bonnard, I., Mills, S.C., Banaigs, B., 2016. Lipopeptides from marine cynaobacteria inducing behaviors along atrophic cascade. International Society of Chemical Ecology, Iguassu Falls, abstr.

Bruggemann, H., Bigot, L., Cauvin, B., Chabanet, P., Durville, P., Guillaume, M., Hoarau, L., Mulochau, T., Penin, L., Tessier, E., Urbina, I., Pothin, K., 2016. Positive MPA effects after 8 years of conservation effort at Reunion Island (Indian Ocean). 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, Hawaii.

Carvalho, P., Jupiter, S., Januchowski-Hartley, F., Goetze, J., Claudet, J., Weeks, R., White, C., 2016. Periodically-harvested closures emerge as optimal management strategies when fish behaviour is considered. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract 29225.

Collin, A., Laporte, J., Koetz, B., Martin-Lauszer, F.R., Desnos, Y.L., 2016. Mapping bathymetry, habitat and potential bleaching using Sentinel-2. International Coral Reef Symposium.

Collin, M., Flouvat, F., Selmaoui-Folcher, N., 2016. PaTSI: Pattern Mining of Time Series of Satellite Images in Knime. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 1292-1295.

Den Haan, J., Brocke, H.J., Visser, P.M., Nugues, M.M., Huisman, J., Vemeij, M.J., Mueller, B., 2016. The contribution of different phototrophic organisms to the primary productivity of a Caribbean coral reef community. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract 27782.

Dolique, F., Jeanson, M., Sedrati, M., Cohen, O., Bertier, J. Cavalin, A., Charpentier, J., Anthony, E.J. (2016) Wave modifications across a coral reef : Cap Chevalier, Martinique Island. Poster, International Coastal Symposium, Sydney, Australia, 7-10 mars 2016.

Dubé, C.E., Boissin, E., Planes, S., 2016. Clonality and local dispersal: major components in population maintenance of fire corals in Moorea reefs. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract 28586.

Eich, A., Ford, A.K., Nugues, M.M., Wild, C., McAndrews, R., Ferse, S., 2016. Coral-algal competition indicates a negative impact of land runoff from rural communities on coral reefs in Fidji. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract 29749.

Ferraris, J., Stoica, G., Delvaux, S., Carrière, S., Sabinot, C., Chabanet, P., 2016. Représentation sociale des écosystèmes marins côtiers à partir de dessins d’enfants: analyse comparative entre la France métropolitaine (Pyrénées Orientales) et l’outre mer français. 13e Conférence Internationale sur les Représentations Sociales, Marseille

Gatins, R., Saenz-Agudelo, P., Scott, A., Jones, G.P., Thorrold, S.R., Planes, S., Berumen, M.L., 2016. Fine-scale populations structure of two host sea anemone species in Kimbe Bay, Papua New Guinea. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract 30007, poster 521.

Gautier, T., Meziane, T., Bouchon-Navaro, Y., Bouchon, C., 2016. Trophic web functioning of Thalassia testudinum seagrass bedsin Guadeloupe (Lesser Antilles) using stable isotopes and fatty acids. Proceedings of the 68th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Congress, 9-13 novembre, Panama, p 264 – 266.

Goetze, J., Jupiter, S., Claudet, J., Januchowski-Hartley, F., Langlois, T., Weeks, R., White, C., 2016. Periodically harvested closures provide short-term fisheries benefits. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract 28424.

Guene, M., Dromard, C., Bouchon-Navaro, Y., Lemoine, S., Bouchon, C., 2016. Contamination dynamics by chlordecone in trophic chains of Guadeloupe coastal ecosystems. Proceedings of the 68th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute Congress, 9-13 novembre, Panama, p 269 – 271.

Guzman-Mendez, I.A., Rivera Madrid, R., Planes, S., Croquer, A., Perez-España, H., Gonzalez-Gandara, C., Agudo, E., Arias Gonzalez, J.E., 2016. Using Pterois volitans invasion to describe connectivity in marine protected areas in the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract 28883.

Hédouin, L.S., Fouqueau, L., Lacube, Y., Leroi, C., Sidobre, C., Puisay, A., Miller, B., Elleaume, N. 2016. Unravelling factors shaping individual performance of coral offspring: the need of a selective approach in sexual reproduction. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract 28825.

Jupiter, S.D., Goetze, J.S., Carvalho, P., Claudet, J., Hamilton, R.J., Januchowski-Hartley, F.A., Langlois, T.J., Weeks, R., White, C., Wilson, S.K., Almany, G.R., 2016. How to have your fish and eat them too: managing periodically harvested closures for long-term sustainability. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract 27899.

Ky, C.L., Planes, S. 2016. Shell and pearl chromatic variation in Pinctada margaritifera among coral reef environements in French Polynesia. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract 27862.

Mills, S.C., Beldade, R., 2016. Should I stay or should I go? Phenotypic and environmental determinants of larval dispersal. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract 28464.

Molle, G., Conte, E., 2016. Variabilité des espaces dunaires dans l'archipel des Marquises. Approche comparative des séquences d'occupation littorale sur l'île de Ua Huka. In Spatial Dynamics in Oceania ; Discoveries, Appropriation and Emergence of Traditional Societies. Actes de la Société Préhistorique Française, Chapitre d’ouvrage, pp 125-140.

Nugues, M.M., Jorissen, H., Skinner, C., Beer D. de, Osinga, R., 2016. Contrasting effects of benthic algae on the coral mcroenvironment. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract 29313.

Pinsky, M.L., Saenz-Agudelo, P., Almany, G.R., Jones, G.P., Planes, S., 2016. Equivalence of marine dispersal, scales over evolutionary and ecological time. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract 29005.

Planes, S., Almany, J., 2016. Connecting science and people to improve local fisheries management with Glenn. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract 29627.

Puisay, A., Fouqueau, L., Recanzone, Y., Sidobre, C., Planes, S., Hédouin, L., 2016. Use of sexual reproduction to acclimatize early life stages of corals to climate change: what does not kill me, makes me stronger ? 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract 29780.

Quéré, G., Nugues, M.M., 2016. Coralline algae disease reduces survival and settlement success of coral planulae in laboratory experiments. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract 28836.

Randriamanantsoa, B., Maharavo, J., Bigot, L., Chabanet, P., D'Agata, S., Obura, D., 2016. Integrating coral resilience principle to climate change into Marine Protected Areas management: A successful example of adaptive management in the Western Indian Ocean. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Hawaii.

Reverter, M., Bontemps, N., Lecchini, D., Sasal, P., 2016. Butterflyfish-monogenean interactions: from biogeography to analysis of parasite specificity through the fish mucus chemical fingerprints. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract.

Salles, O., Almany, G.R., Berumen, M.L., Jones, G.P., Maynard, J.A., Pujol, B., Saenz-Agudelo, P., Thorrold, S.R., Planes, S., 2016. Exceptional multi-generation pedigree and kin relationships in a natural coral reef fish population. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract 28581.

Séré, M., Tortosa, P., Tribolet, A., Chabanet P., 2016. First coral disease assessment in the remote islands Iles Eparses (SW Indian Ocean). 13th International Coral Reef Symposium, Hawaii

Thiault, L., Collin, A., Chlous, F., Claudet, J., 2016. Place-based operationalization of the socio-economical vulnerability framework to foster social-ecological resilience. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract 28191.

White, C., Carvalho, P.G., Oleson, K.L., Stevens, J.M., Claudet, J., Costello, C., Falinski, K., Gaines, S., Gentry, R.R., Goetz, J., Halpern, B.S., Januchowski-Hartley, F.A., Jupiter, S., Kappel, C., Lecky, J., 2016. Tradeoff analysis for balancing multiple objectives in ocean management. 13th International Coral Reefs Symposium, Honolulu, Hawaii, abstract 29556.



2015 [2]

Jeanson, M., Etienne, S., Collin, A., 2015. Extracting shallow bathymetry from very high resolution satellite spectral bands and a machine learning algorithm. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.

Riaux-Gobin, C., Compère, P., Coste, M., Cislinski Yesilyurt, J., 2015. Cocconeis molesta Kützing, C. diaphana W.Smith et C. dirupta W.Gregory: matériel type, ambiguïtés et synonymies. 34th colloquium of the Association of French speaking diatomists (ADLaF), 7-10sept. 2015, FR-Bordeaux. abstract


2014 [12]

Allenbach, M., Hoibian, H., Touraïvane, Bantos, S., Worliczek, E., Malau, A., Porcher, M., 2014. Les actions de l’IFRECOR relatives au changement climatique en milieu récifal. Application à la gestion intégrée du littoral des îles Wallis et Futuna (Pacifique sud-ouest). XIIIèmes Journées Nationales Génie Côtier – Génie Civil - Dunkerque – du 2 au 4 juillet 2014. Acte de conférence. P791-798.

Boissieu, F., de, Menkes, C., Dupouy, C., Rodier, M., Bonnet, S., Lefêvre, J., Mangeas, M., Frouin, R., 2014. Phytoplankton global mapping from space with a Support Vector Machine algorithm. SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing 2014. Acte de conference.

Boyer, D., Mapou, R., 2014. Loi du pays relative à la sauvegarde de la biodiversité associée aux savoirs traditionnels. 10è Congrès BIOTRACE, Montpellier : 41-42.

Dromard, C., Bouchon-Navaro, Y., Harmelin-Vivien, M., Bouchon, C., 2014. Diversity of trophic niches among Scaridae (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles). Proceedings of the 66 th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries institute Congress, 4-8 novembre 2013, Corpus Christi, Texas. Proceedings of the 66 th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries institute Congress, 4-8 novembre 2013, Corpus Christi, Texas. Acte de conference. 259-265.

Dupouy C., Röttgers, R., Tedetti, M., Martias, C., Murakami, H., Frouin, R., Doxaran, D., Lantoine, F., Rodier, M., Favareto, L., Kampelh, M., Bricaud, A., Goutx, M., 2014. he influence of CDOM and particle composition on ocean color of the Eastern Coast of the New Caledonia lagoon during the CALIOPE cruises. SPIE Asia-Pacific Remote Sensing 2014. Acte de conference.

Flouvat, F., Sanhes, J., Pasquier, C., Selmaoui-Folcher, N., Boulicaut, J.F., 2014. Improving pattern discovery relevancy by deriving constraints from expert models. Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. IOS Press. 327-332.

Flouvat, F., Sanhes, J., Pasquier, C., Selmaoui-Folcher, N., Boulicaut, J-F., 2014. Les modèles experts : une source d'informations pour l'extraction de motifs. Reconnaissance de Formes et Intelligence Artificielle. Conférence. 6 pages.

Japaud A., Fauvelot C., Bouchon C., 2014. Populations genetic study of the corals Acropora palmata and A. cervicornis of Guadeloupe (French West Indies) in view of their preservation. Proceedings of the 66 th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries institute Congress, 4-8 novembre 2013, Corpus Christi, Texas: 476-482. Proceedings of the 66 th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries institute Congress, 4-8 novembre 2013, Corpus Christi, Texas. Acte de conference. 476-482.

Jeanson, M., Etienne, S., Anthony, E.J., Dolique, F. (2014) Morphodynamic characterization of beaches on a Pacific atoll island, Tetiaroa, French Polynesia. International Coastal Symposium 2014, Durban, South-Africa

Loesdau M., Chabrier S., Gabillon A., 2014. Hue and Saturation in the RGB Color Space. Proceedings of the International Conference on Image and Signal Processing. Acte de conference. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag.

Loesdau M., Chabrier S., Gabillon A., 2014. Automatic Classification of Tahitian Pearls. Proceedings of the 6th Image Processing & Communication (IPC) conference. Acte de conference. Image Processing & Communications Challenges 6, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Volume 313, pp. 95-101. Springer International Publishing, 2015.

Wattelez, G., Dupouy, C., Mangeas, M., Lefevre, J. Touraivane, Frouin, R.J., 2014. A statistical algorithm for estimating chlorophyll concentration from MODIS data. Proc. SPIE 9261, Ocean Remote Sensing and Monitoring from Space, 92611S (December 10, 2014). Acte de conférence. Doi:10.1117/12.2086297.

2013 [14]

Alatrista-Salas, H., Bringay, S., Flouvat, F., Selmaoui-Folcher, N., Teisseire, M., 2013. S2PViewer : un prototype de visualisation de motifs spatio-temporels. Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics. Conférence, pages 335-346.

Claudet, J., 2013. Ecological and fisheries benefits of marine protected areas. Third International Conference on Progress in Marine Conservation in Europe 2012, Stralslund, 193-200. Acte de conference.

Dromard, C., Bouchon-Navaro, Y., Harmelin-Vivien, M., Bouchon, C., 2013. Partitioning of trophic resources allows multi-specific foraging groups of Acanthurid fishes (Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles). Proccedings of the 65th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries institute Congress, Santa Marta, Colombia. Acte de conference 357-364.

Mougel, P-N., Selmaoui-Folcher, N., 2013. A data mining approach to discover collections of homogeneous regions in satellite image time series. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium. 4360 – 4363.

Pasquier, C., Sanhes, J., Flouvat, F., Selmaoui-Folcher, N., 2013. Frequent Pattern Mining in Attributed Trees. Proceedings o the Pacific-Asia Conference Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 26-37. Conférence.

Pasquier, C., Sanhes, J., Flouvat, F., Selmaoui-Folcher, N., 2013. Extraction de motifs fréquents dans des arbres attribués. Extraction et gestion des connaissances. Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information. 193-204. Conférence

Sanhes, J., Flouvat, F., Pasquier, C., Selmaoui-Folcher, N., Boulicaut, J.F., 2013. Weighted Path as a Condensed Pattern in a Single Attributed DAG. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. AAI Press. 1642-1648.

Sanhes, J., Flouvat, F., Pasquier, C., Selmaoui-Folcher, N., Boulicaut, J.F., 2013. Extraction de motifs condensés dans un unique graphe orienté acyclique attribué. Extraction et gestion des connaissances. Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information. 205-216. Conférence.

Taquet M (2013) Fish aggregating devices (FADs): good or bad fishing tools? A question of scale and knowledge. FOREWORD: Tahiti International Conference “Tuna Fisheries and FADs”, November 2011. Aquat. Living Resour. 26, 25–35.

Touraïvane, Couturier, A., Wattelez, G., Allenbach, M., 2013. Scientific workflows in a geographic portal for web-based spatial analysis. MODSIM 2013. Acte de conference, p. 859-867.

Urvoix, L., Fauvelot, C., Bouchon, C., 2013. Monitoring of coral larval recruitment on artificial settlement plates at three different depths based on genetic identification of recruits (Guadeloupe island). Proccedings of the 65th Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries institute Congress, Santa Marta, Colombia. Acte de conference, 114-120.

Waterhouse, J., Brodie, J., Maynard, J., 2013. Assessing the relative risk of land based pollutants to the Great Barrier Reef. 20TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON MODELLING AND SIMULATION (MODSIM2013) Edited by:Piantadosi, J; Anderssen, RS; Boland, J, Pages: 3197-3203.

Wattelez, G., Touraivane, Allenbach, M., Mangeas, M., Couturier, A., Bonte, C., 2013. An Environmental Management Plan in Vavouto harbor (New Caledonia) with a statistical treatment displayed on dynamic maps. MODSIM 2013. Acte de conference, p. 2166-2172.

Wattelez, G., Touraivane, Mangeas, M., André, J., Couturier, A., 2013. Automated, web-based, daily fire risk assessment in New Caledonia. MODSIM 2013. Acte de conference, p. 1631-1637.

2012 [40]

Alatrista-Salas, H., Azé, J., Bringay, S., Cernesson, F., Flouvat, F., Selmaoui-Folcher, N., Teisseire, M., 2012. Finding relevant sequences with the least temporal contradiction measure : application to hydrological data. Proceedings of the International Conference on Geographic Information Science. 197-202. Conférence.

Alatrista-Salas, H., Bringay, S., Flouvat, F., Selmaoui-Folcher, N., Teisseire, M., 2012. The Pattern Next Door: Towards Spatio-sequential Pattern Discovery. Proceedings o the Pacific-Asia Conference Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 157-168.

Alatrista-Salas, H., Bringay, S., Flouvat, F., Selmaoui-Folcher, N., Teisseire, M., 2012. Vers une approche efficace d’extraction de motifs spatio-séquentiels. Conférence sur l'extraction et la gestion des connaissances. Vol E-23, 201-212.

Almany, G., Hamilton, R., Matawai, M., Potuku, T., Saenz-Agudelo, P., Planes, S., 2012. Are the ecological and political spatial scales of fisheries compatible ? 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns: 310-311. Acte de conference.

Beldade, R., Schmitt, R., Holbrook, S., Planes, S., Bernardi, G., 2012. Larger female fish contribute more to self-replenishment. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns : 323. Acte de conference.

Berumen, M.L., Almany, G.R., Planes, S., Jones, G.P., Saenz-Agudelo, P., Thorrold, S.R., 2012. Larval dispersal patterns within an MPA network in Kimbe Bay. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns: 323-324. Acte de conference.

Chabanet, P., Bigot, L., Nicet, J., Andréfouët, S., Bourmaud, C., Conand, C., Durville, P., Fricke, R., Gravier-Bonnet, N., Mattio, N., Le Pape, O., Mulochau, T., Magalon, H., Obura, D., Poupin, J., Quod, J-P., Tessier, E., Zubia, M., 2012. Multi-disciplinary approach for coral reef management in Eparses Islands, SWIO. Acte de conference.

Choukroun, S., Zhu, X., Ji, R., Thorrold, S., Jones, G., Planes, S., Berumen, M., Almany, G., 2012. Connecting Kimbe Bay reef fish dispersal with regional circulation. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns: 325. Acte de conference.

Claudet, J., Bulleri, F., Couraudon-Réale, M., Planes, S., 2012. Experimental evaluation of the combined effects of macroalgae density and predation on coral growth. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns : 244-245. Acte de conference.

Collin, A., Planes, S., 2012. A novel remotely-sensed index for mapping submeter scleractinians over regional extents. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns: 82 . Acte de conference.

Crochelet, E., Chabanet, P., Pothin, K., Lagabrielle, E., Roberts, J., Pennober, G., Riou, A., Petit, M., 2012. Modelling coral reef fish larvae dispersal for management.   12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns (Australia) 9-13 th July 2012. Acte de conférence.

Delrieu-Trottin, E., Planes, S., 2012. Demographic history of reef fish fauna in a biodiversity hotspot. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns: 31. Acte de conférence.

Delrieu-Trottin, E., Planes, S., 2012. Histoire démographique des Pomacentridae de Polynésie française. Les espèces endémiques sont-elles plus vulnérables ?. V Rencontres de l’Ichtyologie en France. Paris,: 58. Acte de conférence.

Dixson, D., Jones, G., Munday, P., Planes, S., Pratchett, M., Thorrold, S., 2012. Settlement site selection : a result of imprinting or innate preferences. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns: 340-341. Acte de conference.

Galletti, F., Cazalet, B., Féral, F., 2012. International law of the sea and new challenges of ocean governance. The example of increasing coastal state’s sovreignty on seas regarding climate changes. Global science for global governance pf oceanic ecosystems and fisheries planet under pressure conference, London, Abstr. Acte de conference.

Hannah, B., Polerecky, L., Beer D. de, Herz, N., Nugues, M., 2012. Environmental drivers and effects of benthic cyanobacterial mats. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns: 360. Acte de conference.

Hédouin, L., Pilon, R., Puisay, A., 2012. Coral reproduction in Moorea reefs : timing reproductive output and survivorship. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns: 262. Acte de conference.

Kayal, M., Lison de Loma, T., Vercelloni, J., Bosserelle, P., Chancerelle, Y., Geoffroy, S., Stievenart, C., Penin, L., Planes, S., Adjeroud, M., 2012. Acanthaster planci : the hunt for prey corals drives the movement of predator seastars during outbreaks. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns : 250. Acte de conference.

Kulbicki, M., Arias-Gonzales, E.,   Bellwood, D., Chabanet, P., Floeter, S., Friedlander, A.,   McClanahan, T.,   McPherson, J., Mouillot, D., Parravicini, V.,   Tittensor, D., Vigliola, L., Worm, B. , 2012. Connectivity, species size and the functioning of reef fish assemblages. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns (Australia) 9-13 th July 2012. Acte de conférence.

Lecchini, D., 2012. Communication chimique des poissons de récifs coralliens. V Rencontres de l’Ichtyologie en France. Paris, : 105. Acte de conférence.

Lemer, S., Planes, S., 2012. Demographic consequences of pleistocene climate fluctuations on lagoonal specialist invertebrates. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns: 33-34. Acte de conference.

Leray, M., Mills, S.C., Meyer, C., 2012. Determining trophic relationships using DNA barcoding of gut contents. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns: 352-353. Acte de conference.

Mills, S.C., 2012. Density-dependant prophylaxis in the crown-of-thorns starfish. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns: 396. Acte de conference.

Mouillot, D., Kulbicki, M., Galzin, R., Gravel, D., Harmelin-Vivien, M., Mouquet, N., Bellwood, D., 2012. Predicted fish diversity erosion from coral habitat loss. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns: 230. Acte de conference.

Mourier, J., Planes, S., 2012. Inferring social behaviour and mating patterns in a reef shark from social network and molecular analyses. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns : 306-307. Acte de conference.

Nahon, S., Richoux, N., Desmalades, M., Berteaux Lecellier, V., Planes, S., 2012. Effect of environmental parameters on scleractinian coral nutrition. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns: 128-129. Acte de conference.

Nugues, M., Schickler, 2012. Contrasting competitiveness of Caribbean coral juveniles against a brown alga. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns: 247. Acte de conference.

Pinault, M., Loiseau, N., Chabanet, P., Durville, P., Quod, J.P., 2012. Distribution spatiale des peuplements ichtyologiques marins non récifaux de la Réunion (sud-ouest de l’Océan Indine). Premières descritions sur les coulées basaltiques du Piton de la Fournaise. V Rencontres de l’Ichtyologie en France. Paris: 132. Acte de conférence.

Pinsky, M., Palumbi, S., Planes, S., 2012. Empirical measurement of single-generation larval dispersal kernels with genetics. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns: 334. Acte de conférence.

Planes, S., Salles, O., Berumen, M., Almany, G., Saenz-Agudelo, P., Thorrold, S., Jones, G., 2012. Individual-based genetic analysis reveals underlying population dynamics of a reef fish population. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns: 334. Acte de conférence.

Pothin, K., Bigot, L., Bissery, C., Chabanet, P., David, G., Fleury, P.-G., Gamp, E., Tessier, E., Thomassin, A., Pelletier, D., 2012. Validate indicators for performance management of the Reunion Island's MPA. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns (Australia) 9-13 th July 2012. Acte de conférence.

Quéré, G., Steneck, R.S., Nugues, M., 2012. Diseases affecting crustose coralline algae in Curacão. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns: 386. Acte de conference.

Rouzé, H., Saulnier, D., Espiau, B., Lecellier, G., Planes, S., Berteaux Lecellier, V., 2012. Symbiodinium clade dynamic in corals facing environmental stressors in Moorea. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns: 112. Acte de conference.

Saenz Agudelo, P., Jones, G., Thorrold, S., Planes, S., 2012. Larval connectivity and population replenishment in a coastal coral reef metapopulation. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns: 335. Acte de conference.

Salles, O., Planes, S., 2012. Dynamique d’une métapopulation d’Amphiprion percula : importance de l’échelle spatiale et des connectivités dans la persistance des populations. V Rencontres de l’Ichtyologie en France. Paris: 142. Acte de conférence.

Taquet M., Blanc M., Dagorn L., Filmalter J., Fonteneau A., Forget F., Gaertner J. C., Galzin R., Gervain P., Gougon M., Guillotreau P., Guyader O., Hall M., Holland K., Itano D., Monteagudo J. P., Morales-Nin B., Reynal L., Sharp M, Sokimi W., Tanetoa M., Yen Kai Sun S. (2012). Artisanal and industrial FADs: A question of scale. Tahiti conference reviews current FAD use and technology. SPC Fisheries Newsletter 136, 35-45.

Vignaud, T., Clua, E., Mourier, J., Planes, S., 2012. Génétique des populations de requins à pointe noires en Polynésie française. V Rencontres de l’Ichtyologie en France. Paris: 150. Acte de conférence.

Vignaud, T., Mourier, J., Clua, E., Planes, S., 2012. Evidence of fragmented reef shark populations in the insular Pacific. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns : 309. Acte de conference.

Wecker, P., Rouzé, H., Desmalades, M., Tambutté, E., Planes, S., Berteaux-Lecellier, V., 2012. Ubderstanding the stress response of reef corals in French Polynesia. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns: 152. Acte de conférence.

Wolf, A., Nugues, M.M., 2012. Contact with seaweeds enhances corallivory on scleractinian corals. 12th International Coral Reef Symposium, Cairns: 249. Acte de conference.

2011 [19]

Cazalet, B., Salvat, B., 2011. Artificial reefs in French law. Proceedings of the 13th French-Japanese Oceanography Symposium, 61-66.

Chabanet, P., Bigot, L., Durville, P., Mulochau, T., Nicet, J., Obura, D., Tessier, E., 2011. Coral reefs of Eparses Islands (SW Indian Ocean), establishing a baseline for management. 7th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Kenya (Africa). Acte de conference.

Couturier, A., Pouillet, S., Rouet, I., Touraivane, Mangeas, M., Allenbach, M., Menezo, M., 2011. Research, stakeholders and results transfer in the Pacific islands: first results of a multi-organisation project. MODSIM 2011. Acte de conference, p. 3135-3140.

Criquet, G., Pothin, K., Vigliola, L., Chabanet, P., 2011. Croissance de Lethrinus harack dans   le   SO   de   l’Océan   Indien   (Madagascar   et   Mayotte) :   influence   des   activités anthropiques et de l’habitat. 10ème Forum Halieumétrique, Boulogne/mer (France). Acte de conférence.

Desmier, E., Flouvat, F., Gay, D., Selmaoui-Folcher, N., 2011. A clustering-based visualization of colocation patterns. Proceedings of the 15th Symposium on International Database Engineering & Applications. ACM Digital Library. 70-78.

Desmier, E., Flouvat, F., Stoll, B., Selmaoui-Folcher, N., 2011. Coconut fields classification using data mining on a large database of high-resolution Ikonos images. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management. 48-53.

Kolasinski, J., Bigot, L., Bourmaud, A.-F., Nicolini, E., Chabanet, P., 2011. Distribution,partitioning and fluxes of carbon and nitrogen in benthic communities from Glorieuse Island (Mozambique Channel). 7th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Kenya (Africa). Acte de conférence.

Lagabrielle, E., Harris, J.M., Lombard, A.T., Touraïvane, 2011. Multi-resolution conservation planning: Designing MPA networks linking inshore and offshore ecosystems. The 2nd International Marine Conservation Congress,14-18 May 2011. Acte de conference.

Massé, L., Chabanet, P., Schleyer, M., 2011. Effect of temperature on larval development of a high-latitude coral. 7th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Kenya (Africa). Acte de conference.

McClanahan, T.R., Graham, N.A.J., MacNeil, M.A., Muthiga, N.A., Cinner, J.E., Bruggemann, J.H., Wilson, S.K., 2011. Critical thresholds and tangible targets for ecosystem-based management of coral reef fisheries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 108: 17230-17233.

Pothin K., Bigot, L., Bissery, C., Chabanet, P., David, G., Fleury, P-G., Lemoigne, V., Pelletier,D., Tessier,E., Thomassin,A., 2011. Validating indicators of Marine Protected Areas performance for decision-support: the case study of La Réunion (SW Indian Ocean). 7th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Kenya (Africa). Acte de conference.

Puech, A., Chabanet, P., Tessier, E., 2011. Post-settlement mortality following high fish recruitment on Reunion coral reefs (SW Indian Ocean). 7th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Kenya (Africa). Acte de conference.

Riou, A., Bareille, G., Pothin, K., Tessier, E., Lecomte-Finiger, R., Chabanet, P., 2011. Using otolith chemistry to infer life history of the grouper Epinephelus merra (Reunion Island, SO Indian Ocean). 7th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Kenya (Africa). Acte de conférence.

Saens-Agudelo, P., Jones, G.P., Thorrold, S.R., Planes, S., 2011. Connectivity dominates larval replenishment in a coastal reef fish metapopulation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B Biological Sciences, 278 : 2954-2961.

Seigneur, E., Mazouni, N., 2011. 1.     Taking Biodiversity into Account in Territorial Planning Documents: A Methodological Approach Applied to the Marine Field.   In H.-J.Ceccaldi et al. (eds.), Global Change: Mankind-Marine Environment Interactions, Proceedings of the 13th French-Japanese Oceanography Symposium, DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-8630-3_31, © Springer. Acte de conference.

Selmaoui-Folcher, N., Flouvat, F., 2011. How to Use "Classical" Tree Mining Algorithms to Find Complex Spatio-Temporal Patterns? Proceedings of Database and Expert Systems Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 107-117.

Séré, M., Schleyer,M., Quod, J-P., Turquet, J., Chabanet,P., 2011. Identification and spatio-temporal patterns of coral diseases on Reunion Island coral reefs. 7th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Kenya (Africa). Acte de conference.

Touraivane, Allenbach, M., Mangeas, M., Bonte, C., 2011. Monitoring the Turbidity Associated with the Dredging in Vavouto Bay in New Caledonia. MODSIM 2011. Acte de conference, p. 3177-3183.

Zubia, M.,   Cambert, H., Cuet, P., Nicet, J.-B., Fontcuberta, A., Loiseau, N., Chabanet, P., Ovize, M., Scolan, P., Turquet , J., 2011. A multi-indicator approach to assess the impact of eutrophication in La Reunion coral reefs (Indian Ocean). 7th Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association Conference, Kenya (Africa). Acte de conference.